Workplace Persona Quiz

What's Your Working Style?

Unlock the secrets to your professional success.

Discover your Workplace Persona and learn how to leverage your unique gifts to advance your career and achieve more fulfillment at work.

*100% free personality quiz!


Embrace the opportunity to understand and utilize your unique gifts.

This quiz is your first step towards a more empowered and successful career.

What Is The Workplace Persona Quiz?

Through a series of thought-provoking questions about your career habits and beliefs, the Workplace Personas Quiz uncover deep insights into your professional strengths and areas for growth.

You'll receive a detailed report explaining your unique Workplace Persona and its impact on your career advancement and professional development. This personalized analysis will help you navigate your career path more effectively, leveraging your natural tendencies for maximum success.

The 8 Personas

Meet your Mentor: 

I'm Nayli Russo, a recognized executive, entrepreneur, and the innovator behind the transformative Workplace Persona Quiz. Transitioning from my roots in Venezuela to a celebrated leadership role in the U.S., my story is one of resilience, adeptness, and strategic acumen. Honored as "Woman of the Year" by the PA Diversity Council, I have developed influential leadership programs for the Pittsburgh Pirates and have a rich career background that spans pharmacy, healthcare management, and sports. Now, I'm dedicated to empowering you to achieve professional greatness.